Sweeping the floor in ballet boots

BL449 | Posted by Gina on 20 June 2015

Sometimes even I need to do boring things, like clean the house. But I always seem to find a way to make these things fun! Sweeping the floor is boring, but if you do it in ballet heels, it is suddenly a lot more fun! I can’t believe how far I have come, training myself to walk in these heels! For the fans that have been following me since the start, remember my first wobbly steps?? Hahah, that was so funny!

Cuffed next to highway

BL448 | Posted by Gina on 13 June 2015

Summer fun! I went out in my speedcuffs and leg irons, for a little walk, like I often do! I know a lot of you also like to walk in cuffs, so I hope this summer will bring you a lot of fun! I was near a highway, so I could wave a the cars, and I think they could see me! It was probably a good thing they couldn’t stop! I wonder what they were all thinking!

Latex fun

BL447 | Posted by Gina on 06 June 2015

Some people have been asking if I have a hood! No I don’t! I never tried a full hood and I think it would be scary! But I do have this latex hood! And a latex top! And latex pants! And latex gloves! And latex socks! And a latex gag! And a latex sheet! That’s actually a lot of latex, most of it was donated by generous fans! I decided to have some fun with it, not exactly bondage, but it is very fetishy to make it all shiny and slippery!

Dog cage!

BL446 | Posted by Gina on 30 May 2015

Loool a dog cage! Well, I really wanted a sturdy steel cage, like the one I tried at MetalBondage.com, but it’s too expensive! So I found myself a dog cage, it can be locked and it is metal, so it is not possible to get out. But still it doesn’t feel as sturdy as the other one! Long gloves and boots by member request!! Enjoy my self caging update today!

No escape from wood

BL445 | Posted by Gina on 23 May 2015

Aaah the old wooden fiddle! It weighs a ton, but that’s what’s so much fun about it! The wrist holes are a little bit too big for me, and with some effort I can slip out of them, but a pair of handcuffs will easily solve that problem! Actually, the distance between the wrists is perfect for a regular pair of cuffs!! I wished I lived in the Middle Ages!! I just love chastity belts and stocks and fiddles!! But I’m strange, don’t mind me 😀

Stocked and gagged

BL444 | Posted by Gina on 16 May 2015

These RigidStocks aren’t mine (I would immediately marry the man who buys me these!), but I can borrow them often, so I am happy I can at least play with them. I can not be locked in them for a weekend though… which is pretty sad. These are small girl sized stocks, and usually it is impossible to escape. But I have these ‘easy’ padlocks called cufflocks (they use a handcuff key), so I thought I’d give it a go with 3 of these locks. The result may surprise you!!! If you ever buy me my own RigidStocks, remember to keep the key out of my reach 😉

LOL!! A new gag

BL443 | Posted by Gina on 09 May 2015

You!! Yes you! You know who you are! You fans keep sending me things to try, I love it! I know you will be secretly laughing at me this week, someone sent me a penis panel gag! Yes, I know what you are trying to do! Very funny LOL! Okay, I will try it just for you. This is really naughty and embarrasing! Whoever sent me this… thanks a lot! LOL

The huge mirror

BL442 | Posted by Gina on 02 May 2015

Is it two Ginas?? No it is a huge mirror!! And I am all cuffed and shackled! There was a little bench too, and my ankle cuffs were connected to this. So all I could do is sit around, and stand up to see myself in the mirror. It was very confronting! I liked this long term bondage, because I can really think about my predicament, and study myself in the mirror. If you do any self bondage for a few hours, be sure there is a mirror! It really makes a difference!

Green rubber

BL441 | Posted by Gina on 25 April 2015

A green theme today! Green latex catsuit and a green ballgag! Well, the colors don’t really match but who cares? 🙂 It’s been so long since I have worn this green catsuit, but it still fits me perfectly! I love to mix the rubber with metal, so I locked my chastity belt over it! I’m also wearing my custom collar and small cuffs (which are hoisted up in to the air, locked to a spreader bar!). I’m completely helpless, but fortunately I am wearing my chastity belt haahah!

Cuffed behind a computer

BL440 | Posted by Gina on 18 April 2015

As many of you know, I am not allowed to use the computer or watch TV unless I am cuffed and gagged. It is a rule that I made myself, and yes I know that is really strange! But I like it! Any email reply you receive from me, you know I was gagged and cuffed while writing it. I can type in hinged cuffs without problems! This is very natural for me, and it would strange if I would ever use the computer without cuffs or gag!! It’s my life. My bound life.

High security prisoner

BL439 | Posted by Gina on 11 April 2015

There are a few people emailing me regularly about their prison fantasies, they want to be cuffed, taken into a cell, searched, and left there (in any order). You aren’t allowed to keep your shoes on even! I love to play prisoner, and I have a real prison outfit from the USA! But what if I would be an agressive prison girl, attempting to spit at the guards!? Would they make me where a harness panel gag? I really hope so!

Straitjacket bedtime

BL438 | Posted by Gina on 04 April 2015

It was my birthday yesterday!! So I did something nice and tried to find out if I can sleep in a straitjacket? It is a popular member question… and the answer is: I don’t know! Let’s find out! It should be possible right? I mean, I guess patients in mental institutions are sleeping in straitjackets, why shouldn’t I be able to do this! I am at least as crazy as they are looool!! A straitjacket is actually quite comfortable so I guess I am in for a nice and snug sleep!

Tired from ballet boots practice

BL437 | Posted by Gina on 28 March 2015

New leather pants!! They are a little flared so they are great to wear over boots! The pants are slightly too long so I figured if I wear ballet boots they are just fine! Haha, well I need to practise anyway, I usually practise a few times a week, but haven’t walked in ballets for a few weeks now. So here we go! Oh, and I gag myself of course, for the duration of the practise. It’s mandatory.

Hogcuffed in lots of cuffs!

BL436 | Posted by Gina on 21 March 2015

I really love doing this website! I have done this for so many years, and the main reason is all the lovely feedback and requests! But in the first place, I’m doing this website for me, because I love bondage and I love people looking at pictures of me in bondage! This is NOT a request update, it is something that I really love to do! Being cuffed in many many cuffs until I can barely move! This one is for myself… but you can watch of course 😉

Horse rider in harness gag

BL435 | Posted by Gina on 14 March 2015

Yeaaaaaaah a fan request! You know who you are! I should have posted this a long time ago, since the request was made a long time ago, but here you go: you wanted to see me in a harness ballgag and riding outfit, including helmet and boots! No problem, I still love horse riding and I have my own horse! Yes, it is the same fan who requested this many many years ago! I hope I can do an update in the stables again in the future, but there are always people around nowadays, so that is hard. I hope you like this update! I know someone will! 😉

Getting dressed

BL434 | Posted by Gina on 07 March 2015

Remember my shower update? Well, when I am locked in my chastity belt (not always, but I can be in it for weeks and then let myself out again for weeks) and my collar (almost always), it is a little harder sometimes to pick the right clothes to wear. But before that, I have to make sure I am completely dry, which is also a little harder when you are in a chastity belt. It is important to get rid of any water under the belt because that will cause irritated skin! Do you think I should get a chastity bra by the way? Some fans have suggested it.
This is a (rare) topless update, members only!!!

Sink plug gag

BL433 | Posted by Gina on 28 February 2015

I saw these gags on the internet, and I have been searching for them a long time! Now I finally found them at SteelBound.co.uk! They have this one and even a harness gag version of this sink plug gag! It is a very large round tube that goes into your mouth with a lot of leather wrapped around your head! The large tube will make you drool like crazy! But here’s the clever part: if you want to stop the drooling, just use the sink plug to plug your mouth shut!! It is brilliant!

Leg irons and Irish 8

BL432 | Posted by Gina on 21 February 2015

Oooh I wish it was summer! Playing with my bondage gear indoors is nice, but I love being outdoors in bondage more! To remind you of the summer, here is a nice little shoot in a flowery dress, maybe it will cheer you up in this cold weather! I am locked in Irish 8 handcuffs and leg irons! I love Irish 8, they are so hard to escape from!! But I am getting better!! 😀 x

Outdoors prison

BL431 | Posted by Gina on 14 February 2015

When I saw this outdoors prison in a photographer’s backyard, I really wanted to be locked in it for an afternoon! There were 3 guys there who were interested in taking pictures, and of course, they wanted me in my little rigid fiddle as well! So there I was, locked in a prison, it was cold and I was fiddled! These people just kept taking pictures like I was some wild animal! The crazy stuff I do!! It was nice to be in the prison though… I just they would have left me alone!

Shower in chastity belt

BL430 | Posted by Gina on 07 February 2015

Probably the number 1 frequently asked question! How do you clean yourself when you are wearing a chastity belt? Well, you just take lots of showers! Lots! Usually I shower only once a day, when I am in the belt I shower 3 or 4 times a day! I think I have done this before, but here is another update of me showering in my chastity belt! Yes, I am topless, I know it is rare, I don’t want to do nudity on my site, but I’m showering!! So this is for the members only 😉