Dangling fetish

BL386 | Posted by Gina on 05 April 2014

Here’s a new fetish I haven’t explored: dangling! I didn’t even know it was a fetish until some of you requested it! It involves playing with high heels, and I’m happy to do this as a member request! Slowly twisting and dangling my shoes, in tight leggings, should be exciting to watch for real shoe play fetishists! Of course, I had to add something extra, so this will appeal to everyone! Leg irons seemed to be a great addition to this update, I love rattling and playing with the chain! I hope you like this!

Comments (3)

  1. That’s a dangling fetish? I thought a dangling fetish was where you were dangling off the ground with a rope around your neck and hands behind your back. Try it sometime.

  2. I’d like to think along the same lines as Calvin ๐Ÿ˜‰ Maybe a little noose play? (safely of course) to go along with your dangling?

  3. Hey Gina,
    Love the pink gshock..need to see more please!!

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