Heavy chain walk

BL367 | Posted by Gina on 23 November 2013

By popular request, here is me going outdoors for a walk in heeled knee boots, jeans and a lot of heavy chains! I am locked in my collar, custom wrist cuffs, and a pair of leg irons, all connected by padlocked double chains. Yes, this really is how I like to take walks, believe it or not! And from what I’ve heard, quite a few of you love this as well! It is just a shame you can not do it everywhere, as people tend to stare (or call the police on some occassions). But this time I didn’t encounter anyone, so I could enjoy my chained walk in this wonderful (but windy) autumn time!

Red leather pants and pink armbinder

BL366 | Posted by Gina on 16 November 2013

A fan sent me these red leather pants! They are way too big, but since they were sent to me I will use them in this update anyway πŸ™‚ I am really very small, most people don’t believe it, but it is true. Please keep that in mind when you are sending me things! Click here to see my stats! I am wearing my trusty old pink armbinder, it is nice and soft!! I was selling that one, got some interest, but no one bought it in the end! Maybe I should open a Gina Store page for the things I’m selling…. So anyway, if you are interested to have these pants or this armbinder, just email me, I don’t ask for much! πŸ™‚

Military neck brace and humane restraints

BL365 | Posted by Gina on 09 November 2013

Some medical play!! I like to play with neck braces, I have a few of them! Today I will show you my new neck brace: it is an official US military one! How cool is that! I was afraid it was going to be too big for me, but it is incredibly adjustable, so I made it extra tight!! I am also locked in humane restraints, on my wrists and elbows, but that turned out not to be such a great plan (especially the elbow ones). Need to think that one over again! Anyway, I just love the way a neck brace fixates the head, you can not look to the left or right without having to turn your whole body! It is so much fun!!

Drooling afternoon

BL364 | Posted by Gina on 02 November 2013

Aaaaah a quiet afternoon! Just staying indoors doing some reading… Of course, I am not allowed to read without being restrained and gagged, so here’s my choice for today: my custom built RigidFiddle and a brand new ring gag! That’s right: I have a new ring gag that is much bigger than my harness ring gag. So I could use some training time with this new gag, to get used to it. Ring gags make you drool all over the place, and that can be very annoying when you are trying to read a magazine. All of my books and magazines have drool on them!! But I like that, because I’m a little strange… do you like to read in restraints and gag? Please comment below!

Keyholder services

BL363 | Posted by Gina on 26 October 2013

For almost 6 years now, I have been getting requests to hold keys to male chastity devices. I guess a lot of people would love to feel that I am in control of their chastity, even though I am not dominant! I have worn a chastity belt myself for 2 years straight (from 2008 into 2010), and I still wear it regularly for days or weeks, but I have never been interested in male chastity. I had never even seen a male device in real life! So I decided to order a few and see what they are all about! They seem to be pretty harsh, I feel sorry for you guys! I have quite a few different models, materials, and colors, including CB6000 and CB6000S.
If you want to buy one from me, I will offer a keyholder service with it, and you will even get a free membership to my website! Just email me for prices and conditions, but be warned, I can be pretty strict when it comes to chastity! Read more about it here: keyholding services.

Handcuff strappado

BL362 | Posted by Gina on 19 October 2013

The requests for a strappado were piling up, so here is one I did this week! My ankles are cuffed in hinged handcuffs, so I can not move much, and the high heels are a pain after a while. I can not take the high heels off, of course, because it will increase the height of the strappado, and that will hurt my shoulders too much. So I am basically forced to stand around like this until someone releases me! I like it! Next time I will maybe add a harness gag to make it easier to keep my head up! πŸ˜‰

Let’s play darts!

BL361 | Posted by Gina on 12 October 2013

Darts! I am not very good at it, I have to admit. But somehow I’m sure you will like to see me play darts in this update πŸ˜‰ I am wearing a black spandex catsuit with a lot of metal locked on top of it, one of my most beloved outfits to wear under street clothes! Especially now it’s getting colder outside, I can start wearing hidden bondage again! Anyway, I am a little too small for darts, I think. Maybe next time I should wear heels to get an advantage. Are you any good at darts? Or do you just like to see me walk around in my catsuit and chastity belt?

Red leather and black latex

BL360 | Posted by Gina on 05 October 2013

So you were worried about me not wearing a gag!? No reason to worry about that, I still love wearing super tight ballgags! In fact, many of you know that I HAVE to be gagged and cuffed when watching TV or using the computer (I am gagged as I write this bit in handcuffs). In this great picture and video set, I was in my black latex shorts with my chastity belt ON TOP! Then the super tight small latex armbinder, and a tight ballgag! Some new red leather ankle cuffs and a collar too! This was great, I could not move much, and I could not say anything. That’s how I like it!!

Pink rope hogtie

BL359 | Posted by Gina on 28 September 2013

I love pink!! But I am not sure if I like this pink rope… Rope is the hardest bondage for me, I am not that flexible, and this hogtie is really quite extreme, because it is pulled up towards the ceiling! I can not do much when I am lying there, but what I love to do is to grab my chastity belt chains and pull on them very hard. It gives me a kind of sensation that makes me enjoy the hogtie a bit more. Yes, I know, it is silly, but I like it!! Please tell me about your adventures in hogties!!

Just me and my phone

BL358 | Posted by Gina on 21 September 2013

Well, I just love my phone. I think everyone is on their phone 24 hours a day, and I am totally like that! Even when someone is taking pictures, I have a hard time putting down this device! Fortunately, I am not always cuffed in impossible positions, and very often I can just use my phone, even in bondage! Today I am just relaxing by the heating, it is getting cold again, and I got a lot of requests about an update that was ‘just me’. In chastity belt and collar of course, but that is really just me! This is how I relax! Want to relax with me? Email me, or message me on FetLife, or write a comment below, I am sure I will be checking your writings on my phone!

High security prisoner escape

BL357 | Posted by Gina on 14 September 2013

Oh noooo! I’m in official prison restraints! High security! I guess I am too dangerous to be a low security prison girl πŸ˜€ Dressed in an official chain gang jumpsuit, my ankles are shackled, my wrists are locked to my waist and the waist chain is secured to the ankle cuffs. The handcuffs are locked around the Tubes on my hands, these black tube-like gloves prevent a prisoner from getting her hands on the keys! Will I be able to escape? Or will I be a prison girl forever? Watch and see!

Pretty in pink outdoors

BL356 | Posted by Gina on 07 September 2013

What a perfect summer! I spent a lot of time outdoors, and the weather was gorgeous! I love going out into the wild, in some kind of bondage, but of course it is harder to hide in the summer! My collar really stands out in the sunlight, but since it is almost always locked on, people will just have to accept that. A chastity belt is good for public bondage too! This time I just had fun being cuffed in my pink handcuffs and a pretty pink dress! I guess a lot of people saw me, but I don’t care, I just love to be restrained in the woods! It gives me a great feeling of freedom! Hmm wait, that sounds strange, doesn’t it?

Kinky boots

BL355 | Posted by Gina on 31 August 2013

I got some new kinky boots! I know you have been asking for thigh highs for a while now, and I finally got a pair! Shiny black ones with a see-through platform sole! I really hope you will like them and that you will post suggestions for bondage in these kinky boots! This week, I got to try something new: an arm bag! It is a sort of armbinder that is easier for longer periods, but it is locked and you are not supposed to escape from it. I think I need a slightly smaller one, although I did not escape this one, but I like my bondage to be more strict and snug!

My weekend restraints

BL354 | Posted by Gina on 24 August 2013

Hi! So I decided to be a prisoner this weeked, and with a little help from some members, I picked my restraints carefully. This is it: a leather waist belt, handcuffs, connector chain and leg irons! I also have to wear high heels and well… my collar is always on of course. I get 2 breaks of 10 minutes on Saturday and on Sunday too, in case I want to use the toilet! For the rest of the time, I will be walking around the house like this, and a little bit in the garden, because the weather is going to be nice! I hope you will have a fabulous weekend as well!

Chained summer walk

BL353 | Posted by Gina on 17 August 2013

A lot of girls seem to be enjoying walks in waist chains nowadays, so I could not stay behind! It is very exciting to be restrained in public, you never know who might see your chains, and what they might say (probably nothing). In my country, it is legal to walk in a waist chain and leg irons, so I am not afraid to get arrested (although that would mean even more cuffs, so that’s not bad). Of course, leg irons are very important, and I get a lot of requests for them, so once again I will show you I have no problems walking in them! Go try this at home! I mean, out of your home! Enjoy the weather!

Nose hook

BL352 | Posted by Gina on 10 August 2013

I bought a very strange bondage thingie! It is called a nose hook, it has two hooks that go up your nose and a strap that goes over your head! At first I thought it was not going to be very hard, but if the nose hook is tight it is really an annoying bondage device! With my tight red ballgag and a posture collar, I can not even move my head much! I really recommend these things (I bought it here), they are cheap and a lot of fun! There’s only one disadvantage: I look like a pig whahahah LOL!

Super tight extreme drooling hogtie!

BL351 | Posted by Gina on 03 August 2013

Whoohoo I did a super tight extreme drooling hogtie! I was immediately drooling when my harness ring gag went on, but things got worse and worse for me (and I loved it!). I was handcuffed, elbow cuffed, and ankle cuffed, put in a hogtie with a tight chain running from the top of my head to the elbow cuffs to the wrist cuffs to the ankle cuffs! It was so tight, I was just reduced to a tight package of bondage, I could not much much at all! What a great position, I really enjoyed this one!

Self cuffing in public

BL350 | Posted by Gina on 27 July 2013

Exciting! Did you ever try self cuffing in public? I was near a lake, and I had given myself the challenge of cuffing myself in front, and then behind the back. But because of the beautiful weather, there were hikers everywhere (as you can see in the video)! They must have seen me, because my handcuffs and collar were glistening in the bright sun! Were you hiking over there? If so, why didn’t you stop to say hi? I would love to meet a fan when I am outdoors doing my challenges! Don’t be shy!

Red latex

BL349 | Posted by Gina on 20 July 2013

Me in a red latex Chinese dress and my custom made small latex armbinder! I think that is a beautiful combination! And from the front, you can not even see I am in a tight armbinder! This stuff is sweaty though, and being in an armbinder is hard work on the shoulders, so it made me very hot and my arms were dripping wet. I think a lot of fans love to see me in this outfit, maybe even at a party or out in the street! Especially since I am wearing high heels! I must admit, I don’t wear heels often enough, I am a little out of practice…

Four neck cuffs

BL348 | Posted by Gina on 13 July 2013

A member request! So you want me to lock myself into four neck cuffs? No problem! Excuse my mood, I was laughing a lot in the pictures and video, but next time I will try to be more serious. I guess I was happy to do this member request! The weight of four neck cuffs feels pretty good actually, although closing them is a little scary. I’m always afraid that I close them too fast, then they will be really tight and that could be dangerous! Don’t worry though, I am a professional, don’t try this at home (if you have four neck cuffs that is). Happy weekend!!