Fan parcel surprise!
BL322 | Posted by Gina on 12 January 2013
Wow, a fan sent me a box full of numbered parcels and an instruction letter! I have to put on everything I find in the parcels in the numbered order, and I am soooooo curious what is inside! What if I don’t like it? I still have to put it on! Fortunately, I only found lovely things, like a white latex shirt, a new pair of pants, a jacket, latex gloves, a harness muzzle gag, and many more items! Can you believe it, it was layer after layer and I put it all on me until I was in hot sweaty tight bondage! I love getting fan parcels!
Hmm, now how do I get a Gina Parcel!
Looking great as always.
nice Pictures i like that your are a nice Girl an i seee you like that Bondage and Clothing nice Eastern and thanks for this look in your life.