Pantyhood tape gag πŸ˜ΆπŸ™Š

BL927 | Posted by Roxy on 15 March 2025

Definitely one of the top member request is sticking my head in a pantyhose and then do a tape wrap gag! I think that is very considerate of you, because the tape will not stick to my skin or hair doing it like this! It was very tight though, I could hardly open my eyes! Do you have any other pantyhose member requests? Let me know!

Comments (2)

  1. I would pull it over your arms, both arms in the same pantyhose leg. Then I would tape it on your overarms that you can’t seperate your arms. Your hands are in the end of the pantyhose which normally is on your feet.

    When your arms are stuck in it, I would let you solve a puzzle or count nails or anything you can’t do without your fingers…

  2. Jo!! Are you coming to BoFeWo Frankfurt in April?

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