The best sleeping position
BL546 | Posted by Gina on 29 April 2017
I found the best sleeping position! Well, of course I love sleeping on my side in a RigidFiddle, but this is even better. Because I feel all stretched out in the morning when I do this. The only problem with all my favorite sleeping positions is: I can not do it myself, and it is very strange to invite someone to lock you up in the evening and then ask them to come back in the morning. Roxanne will do it sometimes, but she is not available very often. She probably thinks I am crazy anyway. But I love it!
Well if you there mine you would be tied up every night. And get a leather sleep sack and hood to put you in all night
Well at least you can sleep without your belt on that way if you needed to.
You continue to make me so jealous. I would sleep that way all the time if I could.
I’ll come over and ‘lock you in’ for the night if need be. Just need to ask. Like a good sub π