Prison time!
BL542 | Posted by Gina on 01 April 2017
In Holland, there is a place where you can get some prison time. They have uniforms, real waist chains and leg irons, and a cool cell! Me and Roxanne went there to get the experience (I had done this before, but she hadn’t). It’s really strict. No phone, no entertainment. You have to ask for toilet visits. Luckily we were together so we could talk, otherwise it can be really boring, and annoying because your wrists are cuffed to your waist. It’s exciting though! If you are in Holland, you really have to try this!
whats the place called?
I hope there is also chastity belt rule
I hope you were both handcuffed on your journey to this facility… I’d love to do this one day! I’m just that kinda girl xx
How long have you stayed in the prison cell?
Please, where do I find this place?