Harness ring gagged again!!

BL427 | Posted by Gina on 17 January 2015

Finally!! I hadn’t been harness ring gagged for over a year! Really! It was just gathering dust, no requests for it, and I kind of forgot about this great gag! Is is such a nice feeling to wear a harness gag! And a ring gag… well I don’t have to tell you: it makes you drool! It is a harness drool gag! Isn’t that the best?! I was once known for wearing harness gags all the time! I want to start wearing them more often again! Oh, and I’m tightly cuffed with hinged cuffs on elbows and wrists. But that’s nothing new πŸ™‚

Comments (4)

  1. Love that gag!


  3. What a good compliant little girl πŸ˜‰ Besides making you drool it is useful for something else that is very enjoyable πŸ˜‰

  4. Well and it is good for breathing which is very enjoyable.
    If you don’t like drooling I saw one once that allowed the wearer to lick her lips through the whole and close her lips over most of it?

    It was narrow on the sides of the mouth and fit sort of like a mouth guard.

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